Our Speakers

Vladimir Mikulas

Vladimir’s keynote during the Holistic Europe Conference 2019 that took place in the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague was so amazing that we agreed right away that Vladimir would come back for the next conference.

If his health allows it, he will be on stage and share his views, his philosophy with us.

Vladimir was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in 2017. He sees his disease as a “university” and takes it as a gift.

The Czech football and futsal representations' massage therapist and consultant of spiritual development studied yoga, martial arts and various traditional healing methods for the body and the soul.

People who met Vladimir say that he is the most decent man they have ever met.

Vladimir is championing fair play in sports and in life.

He is a proud father of beautiful twin sons and an inspiration to his friends, his family and everybody who has the privilege to meet him.

Vladimir’s keynote will revolve around life itself. A life that brings its challenges and obstacles, a life that may sometimes seem unbearable but is beautiful despite all odds and is worth fighting for.

He will talk about values that are known to all of us, yet sometimes pushed into the background and forgotten in the daily “hustle and bustle” of our busy lives.

Kamila Roberts

Kamila has learnt the hard way what work-related stress can do to our health and wellbeing as she worked in senior management roles and on demanding consulting projects in various industries and countries for over 25 years.

In 2011 when her father was diagnosed with an untreatable brain tumor, she started looking for options on how to help him, for answers that nobody was able to provide. The realisation that she had the ability to achieve more or less anything in her work-life and yet have literally no power to help her father or herself for that matter was life-changing.

In 2017, after 6 years of research in the area of holistic lifestyles, she established Holistic Europe. A company that allows her to work and use a holistic approach to her passions: management, life-long learning and sustainable lifestyle.

The first two Holistic Europe Conferences (2018, 2019) have helped Kamila to figure out what her life purpose was and what she wanted to achieve through her company.

Kamila is getting in touch with inspirational people who are great in what they are doing and who are happy to share their wisdom, experience and philosophy with others.

Kamila has got a master degree in Economy and Management from the University of J.E. Purkyne, Czech Rep. and Level 7 BTEC Advanced Professional Diploma in Employment Law from MOL, United Kingdom.

Her passion is to inspire people to make positive changes in their lives by connecting the body, mind, spirit and nature.