The Golden Circle

Inspired by Simon Sinek and his book Start with Why

We are not talking about the tourist route in Iceland here. We are talking about a concept described by my favourite author Simon Sinek in his book Start With Why. Following in the footsteps of others who were looking for the “golden ratio” for the perfect proportion or beauty, Sinek was looking for repeatable and predictable results or, in his words, for “order and predictability of human behaviour”.

We are often being taught that in order to achieve the desired results we need to master the PLAN, DO, REVIEW approach. When we plan carefully, whether we are talking about a simple yearly plan or a complex short/long term strategic plan, we are setting a solid foundation for successful outcomes. We should be doing well if we follow the plan and do the right things right and have got competent people. If on top of it all, we review our results and learn from our mistakes we should be doing great, right?

But! Many companies and individuals are not doing great while it seems (on paper) that they follow such rules? Although I agree with Ann Latham’s (Uncommon Clarity) statement, “If the right people are doing the right things at the right time with the right information, the results will be good” , I believe that the key component is still missing. It also gets more and more difficult the moment a company starts growing.

Looking at Sinek’s Golden Circle - Everybody knows his or her WHAT. Whoever you ask WHAT it is they are doing, they will be able to provide their answers right away. 

The HOW is a bit more challenging. The HOW differentiates between the more or less successful and the unsuccessful entities. That is also where we can get a lot of help from consultants, trainers and coaches. It is in the realm of the HOW where we can find the key differentiator. I have been lucky enough to work for a couple of companies, which excelled in their processes. To expand on our last article Why I am I researching Why I mentioned Ann Lantham earlier. Her keys to success are: 

  1. You’ve got to get things done

  2. You’ve got to get them done right

  3. And you can’t do it at the expense of others

I am talking about her as I like her way of teaching the HOW. Most of the keys to success we spoke about last time are indeed great examples of HOW.

Some companies have mastered their HOWs and continue improving them. On top of my list would be those using the DMAIC approach (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control), a core tool that is being used in Six Sigma projects. I believe that firms that do that effectively must be successful but I also believe that it will still not make them great.

If the HOW is the key differentiator between more successful entities and less successful entities, the WHY differentiates between the successful and the great.

For companies, it is essential to have great leaders and great leaders can identify and communicate their WHYs, they can communicate them successfully and inspire their colleagues with them. It is the WHY that is in the centre of the Golden Circle. If a company has a useful WHAT, masters its HOW and its people can identify with the company’s WHY then the company is on its way to greatness. 

And now, Simon Sinek can summarise this article himself, “Those with an ability to never lose sight of WHY, no matter how little or how much they achieve, can inspire us. Those with the ability to never lose sight of WHY and also achieve the milestones that keep everyone focused in the right direction are the great leaders. For great leaders, The Golden Circle is in balance”.

I can only hope that the two articles dedicated to Simon Sinek’s Start With Why inspired you to read this amazing book. My next article about creativity is inspired by another great book - The Originals by Adam Grant.

If you want to dive a bit deeper and learn how to identify your “WHYs”, learn how to use them effectively (inside and out) and get useful tips on how to turn your next project into a success, join us at our “Why you should know your why” webinar. Check the available dates on our Events page.




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Why not to fit in


Why am I researching Why