The immune system is a miracle of creation. It is the most efficient mechanism that protects us from harm. It is so complex that the scientists still do not fully understand it. What we call the immune system is a tireless network of organs, proteins, white blood cells and other cells and tissues. Our innate immune system is there for us from the moment we are born. The adaptive immune system is ever-developing when our bodies are exposed to viruses, bacteria, toxins etc. 

When our immune system gets compromised, we feel it right away in the form of a dis-ease. When that happens, depending on the severity of our symptoms, we either:

  • Ignore it and let our body deal with it;

  • Take some natural remedy;

  • Take over the counter medication;

  • Go to a doctor and get prescribed medication.

Not many of us actually think, “I should do something about my immune system. It may need boosting.” 

There are lots of things that can be done to boost one’s immunity but there are a couple of things which stand out and do not require massive lifestyle changes.

To start with, you may consider paying more attention to your sleep and vitamin D intake. Both play the most important roles in the effectiveness of our immune system.

The experts recommend creating a routine of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. I know, it is tempting to stay in bed a bit longer at the weekend. It is well deserved, sure, but not too healthy. Although each individual’s needs are different, numerous studies show that sleeping for 7 to 8 hours per day is optimal. More or less is considered as detrimental to our health - that is speaking about adults, of course. Children need much more ‘zzz’ time depending on their age.

When it comes to vitamin D, it is recommended to be exposed to sunlight for at least 20 minutes every single day. If you live in areas where that is not possible - in particular in winter - you may consider taking vitamin D supplements. There are other ways how to boost the immune system but these two could be great options to start with.

If we were taught about the importance of our immune system and looked after it appropriately, the majority of the pharmaceutical companies would go bust! 

Hold on though! You may know someone whose lifestyle is second to none - they eat well, exercise, sleep long enough, get an adequate amount of vitamin D - and they still get sick. That is because we have to be immune to more things than just germs and toxins. Now, let’s talk about the other immune system. You think that I am crazy, right? What other immune system? We only have one! I beg to differ! 

We need to be immune to psychological/mental stress. These days, being exposed to news (mostly negative) more or less constantly and rushing from demanding jobs to our second shifts at home looking after the family, it is a miracle and, more often than not, an exception to stay positive and healthy. When you add a worldwide crisis to the mix, like the one we are experiencing right now, it is nothing short of a miracle that we are still sane (at least most of us:-).

When it comes to difficult bosses or clients, hard relationships and challenging situations it may not be enough if we try to keep on top of all of that just by following our healthy routines. We may need to start immunising our minds and souls, for example, by practising meditation, spending time in the nature or picking up a hobby that keeps us happy. You probably think now that I am pushing it too far. Where on earth would you find time and energy to do that? Well, it is a bit of a ‘catch-22’, I agree. You have no time to relax and if you don’t ever relax you can hardly be healthy and happy. The thing is that if you do manage to pause and do more of those things that make you happy, you will find more energy to do your work and whatever else you need to do and actually feel happy. 

Are you doing all of the above and yet still no ‘promised land’ in sight? It could be because the effort needs to come from within. Doing something mechanically, because somebody told you so or you read an interesting article about it, is simply not enough. Do what you feel is right, not what somebody says is right (this article included:-). This is so important these days.

If somebody tries to bully you into doing something you are not sure about; if somebody tells you to follow some rules as they are the best rules, the most honourable rules, the only rules - think twice. Do your homework. By that I mean: do your research, get familiar with what is on offer. The wonderful thing about us humans is that we are all different. What works for you may not work for another person. What does not work for other people may be a great tool for you. 

I know - there is far too much information available out there so if in doubt, try to 'follow the money’. If the individual, organisation or institution can benefit from the situation and their unique solution, most likely, they have NOT got your wellbeing in mind. Most likely, they have their own wellbeing in mind. Also remember one thing - there is no such thing as a free product. Somebody smart said, “If you do not pay for the product, you are the product.” A solution to this? Your willingness to do the extra work, to do your own research and to listen to your gut feeling. Don’t just blindly follow anything as you may be unknowingly approaching the edge of a cliff. I usually can hear my late mum’s words in my ears, “So if that person jumped out of a window, would you do that too?”

Do what is right for you and respect others doing the same. So, if you want, if you feel like it, you may follow this advice:

  • Strengthen your body’s immune system by eating lots of vegetables, exercising, spending time in the nature, enjoying the sunshine, taking time to rest and sleeping well.

  • Boost your ‘mind and soul’s immune systems’ by meditating (any approach will do), doing things you love, laughing a lot, spending time with loved ones, standing up for yourself and others, being brave and honest and also avoiding people who say, “Get real, you can never achieve this.” OR “Aren’t you a bit old for this?” OR “This is impossible”. You know what? Just do what a well-known author Napoleon Hill did - delete the word ‘impossible’ from your dictionary.

And if you expected that this article would be about immunity against Covid-19 and found out that it was not … or was it? Oh, YES, I believe that your natural immunity is your safest bet.


A Short Note to Say Happy “Belated” New Year

